PET Conference
October 2026

Welcome address

Changing times

Times are changing for the pet sector. We have a new normal: the pandemic triggered a boom in pet-owning worldwide, online retailing benefited massively from coronavirus-induced lockdowns, and aspects such as sustainability and digitalisation gained substantially in significance. The ongoing problems experienced in the supply chains have exposed the vulnerability of our globalised economy, however, and these problems have been hugely amplified by the war in Ukraine. Considerable price increases in all product segments of the pet sector have been the consequence. What does the future hold for the international pet industry?

We intend to discuss this question and many other topics at the International Pet Conference in Bologna.
We look forward to seeing you.

Ralf Majer-Abele
Chief editor pet Fachmagazin | PET worldwide
+49 (0) 7243 575 230

International Pet Conference

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